
A tablet-based entertainment platform ideal for your outpatient pathways

Our offer enables you to make hundreds of items of content, information and services available to patients, whether they are in their room or on an outpatient basis, on a secure tablet.


Live TV, movies, series, podcasts, audiobooks, games, Internet access...

Facility informations

Welcome booklet, satisfaction surveys

Plateforme de divertissement patient sur tablette - Mint


Simplified video, digital slate, translator

Taking care of yourself

Educational leaflets, therapeutic information


Live TV, films, series, podcasts, audiobooks, press, games, Internet access…..

Facility informations

Live TV, films, series, podcasts, audiobooks, press, games, Internet access…..


Simplified video, messaging, photo sharing

Taking care of yourself

Patient diary, educational sheets, questionnaires

A turnkey solution

Our tablet entertainment platform is easy to use for both patients and facilities.
We offer truly turnkey solutions, enabling facilities to focus on the essentials while enhancing the patient experience.

Plateform integrated into a tablet – Apple or Android, as chosen by the establishment.

Supplied with a mobile stand or an arm depending on the facility’s needs.

Entertainment content updated remotely, without any physical intervention on site.

Delivered with Mint Manager, an easy-to-use “hotel” management platform.

They trust us, why shouldn't you?

To read our customer testimonials, click on the logos below!

Discover Mint in video

Discover the features and benefits of our Mint platform in our video, along with testimonials from clinics using our solution.

Ready to get started?

Contact us to design a customized solution for your facility.

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