Data processing, dematerialization, regulations, web services…: What are the impacts and keys to digitalization in the healthcare sector?

Hosted by Floriane DELRUE, Project Director at Klee Group, and Jérémy PEYTEVIN, BU Manager at Klee Interactive, the aim of this agora was to give healthcare players with a dematerialization or digitalization project, or even an innovative idea, the steps to follow and points to watch out for specifically in the healthcare sector.

In the healthcare sector, there are a number of important standards to be familiar with:

Safety for all:

  • The Politique Générale de Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information en Santé (PGSSI-S ) provides the reference framework for implementing e-health security rules. One of its aims is to support healthcare establishments in the choice and application of their safety policy.
  • The Certification des Hebergeurs de Données de Santé (CI-SIS) is given to hosting companies to enable them to store personal health data securely.


The Interoperability Framework for Healthcare Information Systems (CI-SIS) sets out technical and semantic rules for healthcare professionals involved in projects to exchange and share healthcare data.


  • The Référentiel Général d’Amélioration de l’Accessibilité (RGAA – General Accessibility Improvement Reference System ) makes it easier to ensure the accessibility of digital sites and services, particularly for people with disabilities.
  • The aim of the Référentiel Général d’Éco-conception de Services Numériques (RGESN ) is to reduce the consumption of IT and energy resources and the contribution to equipment obsolescence.

There are also a number of useful directories , which we have listed below:

  • For users, there’s the INS (Identité Nationale de Santé) number: a unique identifier shared by all healthcare professionals to identify patients.
  • RPPS (Répertoire Partagé des Professionnels de Santé): like INS, but for healthcare professionals (doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, midwives) with a single database.

How do you best ensure that your e-health solution is referenced?

First of all, it is necessary to respect the fundamental principles and guidelines above, and then to do the following according to your needs:

  • Follow the referencing process on the ANS website
  • Apply to be listed with the Ségur du numérique
  • Obtain labels such as the e-santé label: this guarantees that the functionalities used match the real needs of professionals.
  • Be listed in directories such as santé.fr

Being listed on certain platforms offers many advantages: for example, obtaining a logo and/or label means that healthcare professionals and institutions have full confidence in your solution and increase your chances of being selected, or being listed in the Mon espace santé catalog gives your service greater visibility.

At Moment Care, our Mint entertainment and information platform includes information on healthcare facilities. The benchmarks mentioned above are therefore important to follow. We’ve summarized this agora, so that you too can comply with the new rules concerning digital healthcare. We would like to thank both speakers for their clear and detailed explanations. If you’d like to find out more about our solution, book an appointment today.


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