AI revolutionizes healthcare and improves patient experience

What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence in medicine aims to harness machine learning models to search medical data and identify insights to improve health outcomes and patient experience.

For the European Parliament, artificial intelligence is any tool used by a machine to ” reproduce human-related behaviors, such as reasoning, planning and creativity “.

The COVID-19 pandemic posed many challenges to healthcare systems, prompting medical organizations around the world to explore new AI-assisted technologies. These innovations include patient monitoring algorithms and AI-optimized tools for COVID-19 case detection.

Autonomous AI and its impact on the patient experience

Autonomous AI refers to artificial intelligence systems capable of making decisions almost without human intervention. In the healthcare sector, this means using algorithms to diagnose and treat patients. However, its autonomy will always be limited: a doctor will always have to validate or adapt the results obtained. Human intervention remains essential

Autonomous AI in healthcare offers many benefits, including reducing diagnostic errors, improving care efficiency and speeding up medical interventions.

Its impact on the patient experience is therefore considerable. AI facilitates access to medical information, for example, by providing online diagnostic tools and personalized medical advice.

Application examples

1. Facilitates diagnosis

An emerging trend is to let artificial intelligence interpret medical images using deep learning and machine learning. Thanks to these techniques, algorithms are able to select the characteristics of medical diagnoses and learn to classify them.

Researchers have pooled the results of nearly 20,000 studies on this subject. These 14 studies revealed that deep learning systems detect the pathological state of a human with a success rate of 87%. In comparison, the rate for a doctor is 86%.

2. Accelerates drug development

Even today, the development of a new drug is a lengthy process. In general, it takes 10 to 15 years before a drug is ready to be marketed.

AI can help slow down this process. For example, Deeplife, a company specializing in digital biotechnologies, has created an algorithm that improves the quality of research processes by enabling biologists to identify therapeutic targets more quickly.

A well-thought-out, regulated approach

However, healthcare is a complex field, and several challenges need to be addressed for better AI integration. Security standards need to be developed to protect patient health data and guarantee confidentiality.

What’s more, given the growing stakes surrounding the use of AI in healthcare, an ethical vision is needed to restore coherence and meaning to the approach to this new technology. It is therefore essential that intelligent machines are designed and operated ethically, from the moment they are conceived right through to their use.

AI enhances patient experience just like Moment Care

At Moment Care, too, the patient experience is at the heart of our vision. Our Mint platform for patients in healthcare facilities offers both a wealth of entertainment and information about the healthcare facility they’re in, to make their experience as close to home as possible.


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