
Prix Hélioscope-GMF 2024 at SantExpo At SantExpo 2024, the twenty-sixth edition of the Helioscope-GMF Awards took place on May 23, 2024. The winners of the Helioscope 2024 prize Everywhere in France, hospital staff are committed to innovation and patient well-being. Created in 1998 by GMF and the Fondation des Hôpitaux, the Prix Hélioscope-GMF aims to …

Prix Hélioscope-GMF 2024 at SantExpo Read More »

What can we do to improve the patient experience? In the complex landscape of healthcare, one crucial aspect is increasingly coming to the fore: the patient experience. According to the Institut Français de l’Expérience Patient (IFEP), a recent survey revealed that 73% of healthcare professionals have heard of the term. This growing recognition reflects a …

What can we do to improve the patient experience? Read More »

How does mental health promote healing? Mental well-being is a state of psychological health that encompasses the ability to manage emotions, cope with difficulties, feel satisfied with one’s life and develop one’s potential. Although the mind and body are often considered separate, mental and physical health are in fact closely linked. Good mental health can …

How does mental health promote healing? Read More »

Why take an interest in managerial innovation in hospitals? With the evolution of technology, it’s essential to use it to meet our health needs. In this complex context, managerial innovation is more than just a trend: it’s a necessity. It involves implementing new approaches to work, organization, cooperation, communication, self-assessment and so on. More than …

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Today, the quality of care is evaluated by healthcare professionals and patients alike, and this evaluation helps to improve the medical services offered. To assess patient experience, it is common practice to use specific questionnaires that are completed by patients themselves. There are various methods for measuring patient-perceived quality, including PROMs and PREMs. These terms …

What are PROMs and PREMs? Read More »

The certification procedure for healthcare establishments was introduced in 1996 and is implemented by the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé). In 2020, the certification procedure underwent a significant transformation to better meet today’s challenges in healthcare quality and safety. Certification of healthcare establishments in terms of quality of care has now been simplified and adapted …

What is HAS certification? Read More »

France, renowned for its high-quality healthcare system, is facing a major challenge: a shortage of healthcare professionals. This crisis, which has been growing steadily over the years and has been accentuated by the 2019 health crisis, is jeopardizing the healthcare system’s ability to provide adequate care.  According to a study published in “The Lancet”, France …

The shortage of healthcare workers in France: causes and consequences Read More »

Under the direction of Caroline Tricaud, designer project manager in charge of innovation, organization and patient experience at the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Montpellier, the main aim of this conference was to present the impact of design in improving the patient experience. It highlighted the various steps taken to specifically improve the patient experience in …

Montpellier emergency department: design to enhance the patient experience Read More »

Led by Jean-Daniel Chiche, President of Fonds 101 and Head of the Resuscitation Department at Lausanne University Hospital, the main aim of the conference was to provide a comprehensive overview of the negative impacts of medical resuscitation, and the most effective strategies for dealing with them. The conference was structured into three distinct phases: pre-resuscitation, …

The patient experience in intensive care: before, during and after Read More »

This conference, led by Catherine Cornibert, Executive Director of SPS Docteur en pharmacie, and Bertrand Guidet, Chairman of the FHF Ethics Committee, Head of Department and Medical Representative at Saint Antoine Hospital, presented the results of a survey carried out by the FHF on the feelings of healthcare professionals. Context This is a national survey …

The patient experience, a lever for improving the health of caregivers. Read More »